According to Smithsonian Magazine, the first paper plate was invented in 1904. It was the first single-use item invented and it was followed by the paper cup. Over the next century, disposable cups, utensils and plates were developed in increasingly environmentally unfriendly materials. It is said that Americans throw away an estimated trillion disposable plates and utensils per year. Aside from paper plates being dangerous single-use items, they are also, well, just plain ugly.
This holiday season we’re encouraging our friends and family to use plastic alternatives and practice zero waste solutions by using our famously elegant bamboo plates.
Here at Rumbita we believe in the power of ethically produced, sustainable, and eco-friendly products which include our Veneerware Compostable Bamboo Plates. These bamboo plates are an eco-friendly, stylish choice that will leave a lasting impression during any celebration whether it’s through an in-person family meal or a zoom get together. The plates are made of certified organic bamboo and will compost in 4 to 6 months time and come in two different sizes; 9 inches which can be used for dinner in a smaller table setting and 7 inches for appetizers or desserts.
Life is short so make sure to spend more time celebrating those intimate moments with your family and less time washing dishes!